Irfan Durmus
- Date of Birth
- : May 23, 1983
- Language
- : English / Turkish
- Location
- : Turkey (UTC+3)
- : irfandurmus at gmail dot com
Work Experiences
Chief Software Architect
ESW Capital (Remote)
Oct 2020 – Present, Austin/TX
I’m developing a teaching coach called Go Alpha that will help teachers to follow up progress and performance of the students. It has ML ready infrastructure that will help teachers to detect and inspect where a student struggling and need more support. Tech stack: AWS Lambda, RDS, SQL, Amplify, Step Functions, NodeJS, Docker, Git, Web scrapping to get students data from other learning platforms.
Chief Technology Officer
Stealth Startup (Remote)
Feb 2019 – Present, SF
I’m responsible of developing a sub/pub infrastrucure for a fin-tech startup founded in SF. It’s builded to handle thousands of concurrency. I build documents (playbooks) to improve developers productivity, set workflows, implemented an approach called “pipeline in technical tasks” and define workflows in issue tracking platform. Tech Stack: NodeJS, Redis (for socket sub/pub), MySQL, MongoDB, AWS, React, Material UI. Automated deployment, deployed to AWS infrastructure, automated E2E testing.
Chief Software Architect
ESW Capital (Remote)
Feb 2016 – Feb 2019, Austin/TX
My duty was to manage the transition smoothly while acquiring a company. Responsible for tech components such as code analysis and valuation, infrastructure, codebase, deployment process, automation tests. Learning the business model, making a plan to convert everything that fits the internal system, and prepare diagrams/documents. Technical lead of a team of up to 20 architects & engineers. Hands-on development if necessary. Reporting to SEM or VP. Used technologies: Docker, AWS Services, K8s, Jenkins, Network Encryption, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, MySql, Redis, MongoDB, TypeScript, JavaScript, Angular, Jasmine, Grunt, PhantomJs, Karma, NodeJs, Java, Spring, JUnit, C, C++, Ruby, PHP, Memcache, Thrift, Drupal, Bash, Android, iOS. Companies: Lyris, Acquia, BiznessApps, SliSystems
Sr. Backend Developer
Good Game Studios
2014-2015, Hamburg
Advising to developers to improve work-flow and code quality, Implementing new features to the Goodgame Shop with PHP and ZendFramework 2. Optimizing MySQL and Couchbase database. Creation of Unit and Integration tests. Performance profiling. Migration of code library. Agile, ZF2, PHPUnit, Codeception, JavaScript, Couchbase, MySQL, SQLite, Linux
Full Stack Software Engineer
2013-2014, Dubai
In charge an integral role in technical development and methodology. Helping recruiting and supervise the coders ability to perform quality work. Keep up to date reports on technical projects progression and coding team work. Automatize build and test process by Stage, QA and Build stages. Linux, ZF2, MySQL, Jenkins, JS, Backbone, RequireJS, NodeJS, AWS
Lead Frontend Developer
2012-2013, Dubai
Consulted with Project Manager, offering technical expertise to ensure optimal design and implementation of the application. Responsible for developing scalable JavaScript application by Google Closure, implementation of tests using Selenium and automatized deployment via Bash Script. Conducts technical interviews, utilize Agile Methodologies as appropriate.
Sr. Software Developer
Rocket Internet MENA
2012, Istanbul & Dubai
Responsible for core developments, performance improvements and maintenance of state machine of the high load e-commerce sites. Worked within Agile metodology. Conducts technical interviews as delegate by CTO. Also used Zend Framework, MySQL, Yii Framework, Javascript, jQuery, ExtJS, Git, Memcached and various caching systems.
Sr. Software Developer
Triodor R&D
2011-2012, Istanbul
Responsible for MMO Game Development on ZF using MongoDB and other open source technologies and supporting software engineering staff. Worked in Agile, implemented payment gateway, deployment automatization, integration of the social network API’s like facebook, twitter. Also used Jenkins CI, MySQL, PHP5, Svn, Git, Shell Script.
Software Developer
2009-2010, Istanbul
Responsible for supporting design team, writing PHP to high load web site, developing cross-browser frontend with JavaScript, CSS and valid HTML. Developing browser add-ons with dynamic content using cutting edge web browser technologies like OOP Javascript, CSS3, XUL, XML. Aslo used Git, jQuery and Bash Script.
NetAnkara IT Consulting
2005-2009, Ankara
Developed e-commerce and company sites with PHP, MySQL, Bash, JS, HTML and CSS based on customer requirements. Coordinate project completion with client and ensures that projects are efficiently delivered. Managed information security (firewall/web server) on debian/gentoo linux, spam filters, e-mail servers based on open source technologies.
IT Administrator
Vilayet Mapping
2001-2005, Ankara
Responsible for planning data architecture, reverse coding for GIS, data mining, PHP and MySQL optimizations. Also managed Apache and MySQL servers.
Anadolu University – Undergraduate, Economics – 2008 / 2010
Sakarya University – Graduated, Information Management – 2006 / 2009
Specialties & Tools used to work